Rice Ranch Methane Abatement Project

454,830 tons of CO2e emission avoided

Credit Class • Methane Capture and Reclamation Credit

Offset Generation Method • Emission Avoidance

Protocol • BCarbon Methane Capture and Reclamation Protocol

Issuance Details • Per the BCarbon Protocol, 80% of the credits are issued upon project approval. The remaining 20% of credits are issued upon receipt and review of the second post plugging test, which is performed at least one year after well plugging

Registry • BCarbon

Denton County, Texas

Guardian Plug & Abandonment, LLC (Guardian) plugged four wells on a single wellpad in Denton County, Texas. This prevented future methane leakage of over 560,000 tCO2e. Guardian worked with EagleRidge Operating to plug four wells from one pad in Denton County, Texas. Two of these wells were made idle several years ago, and the other two were made idle in June 2024 with the Texas Railroad Commission. These were horizontal wells that produced gas from the Barnett Shale since 2010. They were plugged to avoid current and future methane gas emissions. Cast iron bridge plugs and multiple cement plugs were placed in each wellbore to permanently seal off emissions sources. The surface of the site was cleared of all equipment and cleaned up. In their last months of production, these wells were producing between 90 and 190 thousand cubic feet per day of natural gas, at which point they were made idle due to economic unfavourability. In total, over 560,000 tons of CO2e were avoided by successfully and permanently plugging and abandoning these wells.

Project Developer

Well Location

Guardian Plug & Abandonment

Guardian was established to help the energy industry reduce carbon emissions through permanent P&A of oil and gas wells. By generating carbon credits for well plugging, Guardian helps operators reduce their P&A burden and restore the land to its intended use.

Project Developer

Well Location

Guardian Plug & Abandonment

Guardian was established to help the energy industry reduce carbon emissions through permanent P&A of oil and gas wells. By generating carbon credits for well plugging, Guardian helps operators reduce their P&A burden and restore the land to its intended use.

Project Developer

Well Location

Guardian Plug & Abandonment

Guardian was established to help the energy industry reduce carbon emissions through permanent P&A of oil and gas wells. By generating carbon credits for well plugging, Guardian helps operators reduce their P&A burden and restore the land to its intended use.




October 17, 2024

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Provisional Project Plan

July 2024

Final Project Plan

September 2024

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