

Forest Carbon Methodology

The BCarbon Forest Carbon Protocol relies on in-the-field timber cruise inventories to measure the increase in forest ecosystem carbon over time. The BCarbon Forest Carbon Protocol prescribes a 7-step process based on measurement of initial forest carbon content at the start of the true-up period, a second round of measurements at the end of the true-up period, and statistical analysis of the net in the above-ground carbon content accrued over that time.

BCarbon Forest Carbon Methodology

Version 1

November 2022

Step 1: Documentation of Forest Management Plan

BCarbon requires forest carbon projects certified under our system to have a forest management plan in place that protects forest ecosystem integrity.

Step 2: Stratification of Project Area into Strata

The project area must be stratified to define strata in which the key parameters related to carbon accrual rates are relatively uniform. At minimum, stratification should account for tree species, age class, stocking levels, and current forest management practices.

Step 3: Initial Forest Carbon Measurement

The initial forest carbon content of the project area is quantified by means of direct measurements to determine the forest carbon content in each project stratum. The number of plots analyzed shall be adequate to quantify the current carbon content and later determine the net gain in forest carbon content over the true-up period to an acceptable degree of statistical accuracy.

Step 4: Forward Modeling of Forest Carbon Accrual Rates

Forecasting of forest carbon accrual over the true-up period is a recommended but not mandatory step of this protocol. The protocol provides specifications for modeling of the rate of carbon accrual in forest ecosystems.

Step 5: Project Monitoring and Eligibility for Interim Carbon Credits

Subject to demonstration that appropriate forest management practices remain in effect to increase forest carbon, the incremental increase in forest carbon estimated to have been achieved prior to the true-up end date can be used to support issuance of interim carbon credits.

Step 6: Quantification of Forest Carbon Accrual at the End of the True-up Period

Measurements shall be evaluated to quantify the forest carbon content in the project area at the end date. The forest carbon content measured at the beginning and end of the true-up period shall then be compared to estimate the net increase in forest carbon content in the project area.

Step 7: Forest Carbon Accounting and Project Documentation

To support certification of forest carbon credits, the user must provide a report to BCarbon that documents the basis for quantification of the net increase in forest carbon in the project area over the true-up period.

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